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西爾斯當代大學物理簡明教程(英文改編版 原書第13版)

西爾斯當代大學物理簡明教程(英文改編版 原書第13版)

定 價:¥138.00

作 者: 休 · D.楊(Hugh D.Young)羅杰...
出版社: 機械工業(yè)出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787111697121 出版時間: 2023-10-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 525 字數(shù):  


  本書基于SEARS AND ZEMANSKY’S UNIVERSITY PHYSICS WITH MODERN PHYSICS,13E(《西爾斯當代大學物理》原書 3版),參照 高等學校物理基礎課程教學指導分委員會制定的《理工科類大學物理課程教學基本要求》(2010年版),依據(jù)我國大學生的學習基礎和教學大綱的知識點要求改編。本書涵蓋了上述教學基本要求中的所有A類知識點,主要內(nèi)容有力學、熱學、電磁學、波動光學、相對論和量子物理。本書的特點是,在改編過程中對內(nèi)容和習題進行了精選,不僅 繼承了原書的特色,還在行文上 保留了原版教材原汁原味的表述,其內(nèi)容和閱讀量 適合中國理工科類相關專業(yè)作為雙語教學的教材,同時可供社會讀者閱讀。


暫缺《西爾斯當代大學物理簡明教程(英文改編版 原書第13版)》作者簡介


前言1 VECTORS11.1 Vectors and Vector Addition11.2 Components of Vectors31.3 Unit Vectors41.4 Products of Vectors5SUMMARY7EXERCISES82 MOTION92.1 Position and Velocity Vectors92.2 The Acceleration Vector122.3 Motion with Constant Acceleration142.4 Velocity and Position by Integration162.5 Projectile Motion and Motion in a Circle182.6 Relative Velocity21SUMMARY24EXERCISES263 NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION273.1 Force and Interactions273.2 Newton’s Law283.3 Mass and Weight303.4 Free-Body Diagrams32SUMMARY33EXERCISES344 APPLYING NEWTON’S LAWS354.1 Using Newton’s Laws354.2 Dynamics of Circular Motion394.3 The Fundamental Forces of Nature41SUMMARY43EXERCISES445 WORK AND KINETIC ENERGY455.1 Work455.2 Work and Energy with Varying Forces485.3 Power52SUMMARY54EXERCISES556 POTENTIAL ENERGY AND ENERGY CONSERVATION576.1 Gravitational Potential Energy 576.2 Elastic Potential Energy626.3 Conservative and Nonconservative Forces646.4 Force and Potential Energy666.5 Energy Diagrams696.6 The Motion of Satellites70SUMMARY73EXERCISES757 MOMENTUM, IMPULSE, AND COLLISIONS777.1 Momentum and Impulse777.2 Conservation of Momentum817.3 Momentum Conservation and Collisions837.4 Elastic Collisions877.5 Center of Mass897.6 Rocket Propulsion93SUMMARY95EXERCISES978 ROTATION OF RIGID BODIES998.1 Angular Velocity and Acceleration998.2 Relating Linear and Angular Kinematics1038.3 Energy in Rotational Motion1068.4 Parallel-Axis Theorem1118.5 Moment-of-Inertia Calculations112SUMMARY114EXERCISES1159 DYNAMICS OF ROTATIONAL MOTION1179.1 Torque1179.2 Torque and Angular Acceleration for a Rigid Body1199.3 Work and Power in Rotational Motion1229.4 Angular Momentum1249.5 Conservation of Angular Momentum1279.6 Gyroscopes and Precession130SUMMARY133EXERCISES13410 PERIODIC MOTION13710.1 Describing Oscillation13710.2 Simple Harmonic Motion13910.3 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion14610.4 Vertical SHM14810.5 The Simple Pendulum15010.6 The Physical Pendulum15110.7 Damped Oscillations15210.8 Forced Oscillations and Resonance153SUMMARY155EXERCISES15611 MECHANICAL WAVES15911.1 Types of Mechanical Waves15911.2 Periodic Waves16011.3 Mathematical Description of a Wave16311.4 Speed of a Transverse Wave16811.5 Energy in Wave Motion16911.6 Wave Interference, Boundary Conditions, and Superposition17111.7 Standing Waves on a String17411.8 Normal Modes of a String17811.9 Sound Wates and Sound Intensity18011.10 The Doppler Effect18111.11 Shock Waves184SUMMARY185EXERCISES18712 TEMPERATURE, HEAT AND THERMALPROPERTIES OF MATTER18912.1 Temperature and Thermal Equilibrium18912.2 Thermometers and Temperature Scales19012.3 Gas Thermometers and the Kelvin Scale19012.4 Quantity of Heat19012.5 Equations of State19212.6 Molecular Properties of Matter19312.7 Kinetic-Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas19412.8 Heat Capacities19912.9 Molecular Speeds201SUMMARY203EXERCISES20413 THE FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS20713.1 Thermodynamic Systems20713.2 Work Done During Volume Changes20813.3 Paths Between Thermodynamic States20913.4 Internal Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics21013.5 Kinds of Thermodynamic Processes21413.6 Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas21513.7 Heat Capacities of an Ideal Gas21613.8 Adiabatic Processes for an Ideal Gas219SUMMARY221EXERCISES22214 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS22514.1 Directions of Thermodynamic Processes22514.2 Heat Engines22614.3 Internal-Combustion Engines22814.4 Refrigerators23014.5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics23214.6 The Carnot Cycle23314.7 Entropy23614.8 Microscopic Interpretation of Entropy240SUMMARY241EXERCISES24315 ELECTRIC CHARGE AND ELECTRIC FIELD24515.1 Electric Charge24515.2 Conductors, Insulators, and Induced Charges24615.3 Coulomb’s Law24715.4 Electric Field and Calculations24815.5 Electric Field Lines25415.6 Electric Dipoles255SUMMARY256EXERCISES25716 GAUSS’S LAW26116.1 Electric Flux and Calculations26116.2 Gauss’s Law and Applications26416.3 Charges on Conductors268SUMMARY269EXERCISES27017 ELECTRIC POTENTIAL27317.1 Electric Potential Energy27317.2 Electric Potential and Calculation27517.3 Equipotential Surfaces27917.4 Potential Gradient281SUMMARY283EXERCISES28418 CAPACITANCE AND DIELECTRICS28718.1 Capacitors, Capacitance and Combination28718.2 Energy Storage in Capacitors and Electric-Field Energy29218.3 Dielectrics29418.4 Molecular Model of Induced Charge29718.5 Gauss’s Law in Dielectrics298SUMMARY299EXERCISES30019 MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC FORCES30319.1 Magnetism and Magnetic Field30319.2 Magnetic Field Lines and Magnetic Flux30619.3 Motion of Charged Particles in a Magnetic Field30719.4 Applications of Motion of Charged Particles and Hall Effect31019.5 Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor31519.6 Force and Torque on a Current Loop318SUMMARY322EXERCISES32420 SOURCES OF MAGNETIC FIELD32920.1 Magnetic Field of a Moving Charge32920.2 The Biot-Savart Law and Application33120.3 Ampere’s Law and Application33920.4 Magnetic Materials344SUMMARY349EXERCISES35121 ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION35521.1 Induction Experiments35521.2 Electromotiv Force35721.3 Faraday’s Law35821.4 Lenz’s Law36321.5 Motional Electromotive Force36421.6 Induced Electric Fields and Eddy Currents36621.7 Displacement Current and Maxwell’s Equations37021.8 Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves37521.9 Plane Electromagnetic Waves and the Speed of Light37721.10 Electromagnetic Energy Flow and the Poynting Vector381SUMMARY383EXERCISES38522 INDUCTANCE38922.1 Mutual Inductance38922.2 Self-Inductance and Inductors39222.3 Magnetic-Field Energy395SUMMARY398EXERCISES39923 THE NATURE AND PROPAGATION OF LIGHT40123.1 The Nature of Light40123.2 Reflection and Refraction40223.3 Total Internal Reflection405SUMMARY407EXERCISES40824 INTERFERENCE40924.1 Interference and Coherent Sources40924.2 Two-Source Interference of Light41024.3 Intensity in Interference Patterns41324.4 Interference in Thin Films41524.5 The Michelson Interferometer420SUMMARY421EXERCISES42225 DIFFRACTION42525.1 Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction42525.2 Diffraction from a Single Slit42725.3 Intensity in the Single-Slit Pattern43025.4 Multiple Slits43325.5 The Diffraction Grating43625.6 X-Ray Diffraction43825.7 Circular Apertures and Resolving Power440SUMMARY442EXERCISES44426 POLARIZATION44726.1 Linear Polarization44726.2 Circular and Elliptical Polarization44726.3 Polarizing Filters44926.4 Polarization by Reflection452SUMMARY454EXERCISES45427 RELATIVITY45527.1 Invariance of Physical Laws45527.2 Relativity of Simultaneity45827.3 Relativity of Time Intervals46027.4 Relativity of Length46327.5 The Lorentz Transformations46527.6 Relativistic Momentum46627.7 Relativistic Energy467SUMMARY468EXERCISES47028 PHOTONS: LIGHT WAVES BEHAVING AS PARTICLES47128.1 The Photoelectric Effect47128.2 Light Scattered as Photons: Compton Scattering and Pair Production47528.3 Wave-Particle Duality, Probability, and Uncertainty478SUMMARY480EXERCISES48129 PARTICLES BEHAVING AS WAVES48329.1 Electron Waves48329.2 The Nuclear Atom and Atomic Spectra48429.3 Energy Levels and the Bohr Model of the Atom48729.4 Continuous Spectra and Blackbody Radiation491SUMMARY493EXERCISES49530 QUANTUM MECHANICS49730.1 Wave Functions and the One-Dimensional Schr?dinger Equation49730.2 Particle in a Box50130.3 Potential Barriers and Tunneling50530.4 The Hydrogen Atom506SUMMARY511EXERCISES513APPENDIX515APPENDIX A515APPENDIX B517APPENDIX C518ANSWERS TO EXERCISES519


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