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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔教輔學習方法/報考課堂互動能力視域下高校英語教師語碼轉換的會話分析研究



定 價:¥68.00

作 者: 左苗苗
出版社: 科學技術文獻出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787518990832 出版時間: 2022-05-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 265 字數(shù):  


  本研究通過對五個省份六所大學九名教師自然發(fā)生的課堂教學進行14.5小時的錄音視頻記錄, 初開發(fā)了CS-SETT框架,以全面展示CS在英語教師談話中的使用。除了一種新確定的模式外,該框架中的第一個主要發(fā)現(xiàn)是,教師在相關模式中,以面向教學目標的方式進行CS操作的細微差別,也揭示了CS在特定模式中是一種(嵌入的)互動特征。開發(fā)的框架增加了對CS在學習機會和CIC方面使用的理解;此外,研究結果還強調了CS序列位置、韻律線索和或其他語音設備〈如ty標記、漢語語氣詞〉的重要性。 ,這項研究有助于我們理解跨語言現(xiàn)象,并對改善英語教學,尤其是單語國家的英語教學提出了建議。




Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Overview of the Research
1.2 Research Context at Mainland Chinese Universities
1.3 Objectives and Research Question
1.4 Research Methodology and Design
1.5 Organisation of the Book
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Second Language (L2) Classroom Interaction and Learning: A Conversation Analytic Perspective
2.2.1 CA and L2 classroom interaction
2.2.2 Characterising the organisation of L2 classroom interaction
2.2.3 Classroom interactional competence (CIC): A perspective to understand L2 classroom teaching
2.2.4 Learning and learning opportunities in the L2 classroom
2.3 Code-switching (CS) in L2 Classroom Interaction
2.4 Starting Point of the Current Study: Linking CS Re-evaluation to CIC
2.5 Determining CS and Classroom CS
2.5.1 Translanguage/Translanguaging
2.5.2 CS and classroom CS
2.6 CA Studies on Classroom CS
2.6.1 On bilingual CS
2.6.2 On CS in the L2 classroom
2.7 Studies on CS Patterns
2.8 Studies Relating CS to CIC and Learning Opportunities
2.9 Studies on CS in Chinese EFL Settings
2.10 Identifying the Research Space
2.11 Summary
Chapter 3 Self-Evaluation of Teacher Talk (SETT) Model
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Variable Approach to L2 Classroom Interaction
3.3 Self-Evaluation of Teacher Talk (SETT)
3.3.1 Managerial mode
3.3.2 Materials mode
3.3.3 Skills and systems mode, and materials-based skills & systems mode
3.3.4 Classroom context mode
3.3.5 Critical reflections on mode
3.4 SETT as a Way to Understand CIC and Learning Opportunities
3.5 Why SETT in the Current Study
3.6 Evaluation by 'Self' and 'Non-self' under SETT: A Reflection
3.7 Summary
Chapter 4 Methodology
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Research Question and an Overview of the Research Methodology
4.2.1 The research question
4.2.2 A diagram of the overall research methodology
4.3 Applying SETT as a Methodological Tool
4.4 Conversation Analysis (CA)
4.4.1 CA and ethnomethodology
4.4.2 Interactional organization mechanism
4.4.3 Employing CA in practice
4.4.4 Significance of CA


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