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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科政治世界政治一帶一路手冊2023(The Handbook of the Belt and Road 2023)

一帶一路手冊2023(The Handbook of the Belt and Road 2023)

一帶一路手冊2023(The Handbook of the Belt and Road 2023)

定 價:¥168.00

作 者: 蔡昉 等主編
出版社: 中國社會科學出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787522726755 出版時間: 2023-01-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 415 字數(shù):  




  蔡昉,第十三屆全國人民代表大會農(nóng)業(yè)與農(nóng)村委員會副主任委員,中國人民銀行貨幣政策委員會委員,中國社會科學院國家高端智庫理事會副理事長、首席專家,中國社會科學院學部委員。 彼得·諾蘭(PeterNolan),經(jīng)濟學家,英國劍橋大學耶穌學院中國中心主任。 王靈桂,中國社會科學院研究員,中國社會科學院大學教授,曾任中國社會科學院副院長、中國社會科學院國家高端智庫副理事長兼秘書長,中國非洲研究院院長。 趙江林,中國社會科學院國家高端智庫研究員。 翁詩杰(ONGTeeKeat),丹斯里勛爵,馬來西亞聯(lián)邦國會下議院原副議長、聯(lián)邦交通部原部長、馬來西亞新亞洲戰(zhàn)略研究中心主席。


Preface Ⅰ
Preface Ⅱ
Preface Ⅲ
Preface Ⅳ
First Editon, Preface Ⅰ
First Editon, Preface Ⅱ
Part 1  Historic Inheritance
  1.Peace under Heaven
  2.Harmony is Most Precious
  3.Cherishing Men from Afar
  4.Gentlemen Seek Harmony but not Uniformity
  5.The Superior Man is Catholic and not Partisan
  7.Universal Love
  8.Wise Man Makes Fortune with Morality
Part 2  The Belt and Road and the Building of a Community with a Shared Future
  9.A Community of All Life on the Earth
  10.Asia-Pacific Community with a Shared Future
  11.China-ASEAN Community with a Shared Future
  12.China-Africa Community of Shared Future
  13.A Community with a Shared Future for Global Development
  14.A Community of Security for Us All
  15.A Community of Development for Us All
  16.A Community of Cultural Exchanges for Us All
  17.A Community of Health for Us All
  18.A Maritime Community with a Shared Future
Part 3  New Frameworks and Concepts of the Belt and Road Initiative
  19.High-Level Plans
  20.Intensive and Meticulous Implementation
  21.The Principle of Extensive Consultation, Joint Contribution and Shared Benefits
  22.Open, Green and Clean Cooperation
  23.High Standard Cooperation to Improve People's Lives and Promote Sustainable Development
  24.Belt and Road Cooperation
  25.High-quality Belt and Road Cooperation
  26.A Global Partnership of Connectivity
  27.Six Corridors, Six Connectivity Routes and Multiple Countries and Ports
  28.Third-market Cooperation
  29.Memoranda of Understanding on Belt and Road Cooperation
Part 4  The Building of the Belt and Road from Different Perspectives
  30.Road for Peace
  31.Road of Prosperity
  32.Road of Opening Up
  33.Road of Innovation
  34.Road Connecting Diferent Civilizations
  35.Road Creating More Opportunities
  36.Clean Silk Road
  37.Digital Silk Road
  38.Green Silk Road
  39.Polar Silk Road
  40.A Rule-Based Road


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