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中國脫貧攻堅調(diào)研報告:鹽池篇(Research Reports on the Elimination of Poverty in China—Yanchi County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Prefec)

中國脫貧攻堅調(diào)研報告:鹽池篇(Research Reports on the Elimination of Poverty in China—Yanchi County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Prefec)

定 價:¥78.00

作 者: Zhang Fenglin,Wang Lincong 等 編
出版社: 中國社會科學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787520370318 出版時間: 2020-05-01 包裝: 平裝-膠訂
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 162 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  Yanchi County, Ningxia, is located at the junction of Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, and on the south edge of the Mu Us Desert. It is an old revolutionary base area and national poverty-stricken county. Even in a long period, Yanchi County is the representative of remote and poverty-stricken areas.The poverty alleviation way in Yanchi County has gone through five stages: construction of "Three-Xi"(Hexi, Dingxi and Xihaigu)(1983-1993), "double-hundred" priority poverty alleviation(1994-2000), "1000-village" poverty alleviation (2001-2010), poverty alleviation for millions of poor people(2011-2015)and targeted poverty alleviation (2016-2020). Through the unremitting efforts of several generations, Yanchi County successfully achieved poverty relief. In particular, since the Eighteenth Congress of the Communist Party of China, Yanchi County has thoroughly implemented the general strategy of targeted poverty alleviation proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, taken the full resources of the county to change poverty, found the right way for poverty alleviation, firmly established the main responsibility, well aroused the endogenous power of the poverty-stricken masses, coordinated the implementation of "ten projects" of industry poverty alleviation, financial poverty alleviation, photovoltaic poverty alleviation, poverty alleviation through science and technology,ecological poverty alleviation, foundation improvement, etc. By focusing on the development of Tan sheep, pasture, Chinese medical herbs, minor coarse cereals, daylily and family-run small variety industry suitable for farmers to increase their income, strengthening the industry to stabilize the income increase, consolidating the foundation to make up for the weakness, and building a mechanism to ensure the basic life, Yanchi was successfully removed from the poverty list in 2018, becoming the first county in Ningxia.


  Zhang Fenglin,an international innovation engineer; data analyst; founder (at autonomous region level) of Public Innovation and Entrepreneurship Space; pathfinder and senior consultant of Ningxia Lanlve Think Tank Research Institute.Wang Lincong,a vice president of China-Africa Institute and a doctoral supervisor of Institute. Xiong Yuan, a teacher of the Lakeside Branch School of Yinchuan 21st Primary School in Ningxia.


Chapter 1 Overview of Yanchi
1.1 History of Yanchi
1.2 Natural Ecology and Resource Situations of Yanchi
1.3 Socio-Economic Development of Yanchi
Chapter 2 Why is Yanchi So Poor
2.1 Poverty Situations in Yanchi County before 1980s
2.2 Poverty Characteristics of Yanchi County
2.3 Main Causes of Poverty in Yanchi County
Chapter 3 Poverty Alleviation is the Only Way to Getting Rid of Poverty
3.1 Process of Poverty Alleviation
3.2 Major Measures in Poverty Alleviation
3.3 Comprehensive Promoting of Poverty Alleviation
3.4 Consolidation and Promotion of Poverty Alleviation
Chapter 4 Cases of Achievement of Poverty Alleviation in Yanchi
4.1 Gathering the Power of the Parly and Government Cadres to Fight against Poverty
4.2 "Coming with a Heart, and Leaving without a Blade of Grass"
4.3 Bringing Together the Strong Resultant Forces of Poverty Alleviation and People Enriching
4.4 "Financial Running Water" Infiltrates the Poverty Alleviation and People Enriching Road
4.5 The "Poverty Alleviation Insurance" Supports the "Golden Shield" of Poverty Poverty Alleviation
4.6 "Golden Sun" on the Roof
4.7 "We Do What the Common People Need"
Chapter 5 Removal of "Poverty Label" of "Three -Area" Combination
Chapter 6 Enlightenment from the Yanchi Experience


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