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中國脫貧攻堅調(diào)研報告:喀什篇(Research Reports on the Elimination of Poverty in China—Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomou)

中國脫貧攻堅調(diào)研報告:喀什篇(Research Reports on the Elimination of Poverty in China—Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomou)

定 價:¥68.00

作 者: 鄧延庭 著,徐社教,胡建華,趙翔 譯
出版社: 中國社會科學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787520370332 出版時間: 2020-05-01 包裝: 平裝-膠訂
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 162 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  The Kashgar region has been the transportation hub on the Silk Road since ancient times.With its splendid history and cultures created by the multi-ethnic groups,it is one of the important bridge-heads of the Silk Road Economic Belt jointly constructed by China,Central Asian and South Asian countries. However,the region is one of the severely impoverished areas in the southern part of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Problems such as poverty,backwardness and lack of information are becoming the major obstacles which constrain the economic,social sustainable development of counties and cities in the Kashgar region,thus eliminating the motives of tuming its traditional strength in geography,humanity,history and culture into development opporiunities. Since the beginning of targeted poverty alleviation project,the Kashgar region has made excellent development in poverty alleviation,which features its own characteristics,prominence in achievement and excellence in results after it has firmly taken an approach of development driving poverty alleviation and poverty elimination and accurately targeted the meeting point among the national policies,policy dividends,features and demands of its own development route.Achievement in poverty alleviation in the Kashgar region not only generates powerful endogenous momentum for economic and social upgrade in counties and cities in the new era,but also further deepens the community sense of the Chinese nation developed in the process of the Prefecture's role of leading every ethnic group to achieve common prosperity and to strive for a relatively comfortable life,which has contributed to the unity of ethnic groups and the stability in border areas. This paper looks at the overall development of poverty alleviation in the Kashgar Region during the period of the 13th Five-Year Plan(2016~2020),chooses Tashkurghan County(the only county located in the Pamir Plateau) and Yecheng County(a representative case of thefour counties which are yet taken out of poverty in the oasis of Kashgar )as case studies,and makes a reasonable review of and introduces the developmental approaches,measures and achievement of the poverty alleviation,providing empirical case study evidence and observation angles for the systematic understanding of the opportunities and challenges in the Kashgar region when achieving the full victory in building a well-off society.


暫缺《中國脫貧攻堅調(diào)研報告:喀什篇(Research Reports on the Elimination of Poverty in China—Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomou)》作者簡介


Chapter 1 From Poverty and Inaccessibility to Vitality and Vigor-the Transformation of the Kashgar Region Boosted by Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development
1.1 Overview of poverty alleviation work in Kashgar region
1.2 The main focus of development in Kashgar region
1.2.1 Comprehensively strengthening opening up to the outside world and promoting the development of modern industrial agglomeration
1.2.2 Expanding and strengthening traditional industries and laying a solid foundation for poverty alleviation and development
1.3 Achievements of social and economic development in Kashgar region promoted by poverty alleviation and rural development
Chapter 2 Making the Pearl of the Pamir Plateau More Brilliant-Measures and Achievements of Poverty Alleviation and
Rural Development in Tashkurgan
2.1 Making traditional industry bigger and stronger-yak husbandry changing from extensive development to intensive development
2.1.1 Challenges of long-term constraints of the develo-pment of traditional yak husbandry
2.1.2 Revitalizing yak husbandry to promote poverty allevia-tion and rural development
2.2 Constantly exploring new industries-building green develop-ment on the Pamir Plateau
2.2.1 Building all-round ecological tourism-developing green plateau tourism
2.2.2 Cultivating port economy-boosting international trade logistics
2.2.3 Exploiting clean energy-continuously expanding the photovoltaic power generation industry
Chapter 3 The Full Victory in Building a Well-off Society in the Oasis-the Final Push of Poverty Alleviation and Development in Yecheng County
3.1 Overview of poverty alleviation and development in Yecheng County
3.1.1 The status of industrial development in Yecheng County
3.1.2 Challenges of the industrial development of Yecheng County
3.1.3 Main measures of Yecheng County to break the develo-pment bottleneck
3.2 Outstanding achievements in poverty alleviation and development in Yecheng County
3.2.1 Building a whole walnut industry chain-small nuts make great contribution in poverty alleviation and development
3.2.2 Implementing relocation-planning for poverty alleviation


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