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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書經(jīng)濟管理經(jīng)濟中國經(jīng)濟中國脫貧攻堅調(diào)研報告:黔東南州岑鞏篇(Research Reports on the Elimination of Poverty in China—Cengong County, Guizhou Province)

中國脫貧攻堅調(diào)研報告:黔東南州岑鞏篇(Research Reports on the Elimination of Poverty in China—Cengong County, Guizhou Province)

中國脫貧攻堅調(diào)研報告:黔東南州岑鞏篇(Research Reports on the Elimination of Poverty in China—Cengong County, Guizhou Province)

定 價:¥69.00

作 者: 趙蜀蓉 等 著,王文化,王紅,武絨 譯
出版社: 中國社會科學(xué)出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787520368667 出版時間: 2020-05-01 包裝: 平裝-膠訂
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 170 字數(shù):  


  For the purpose of poverty alleviation,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) has initiated the targeted support in Cengong County located in Guizhou Province since 2013.This report therefore serves as a summary for the said seven-year long targeted support.As the result of employing poverty alleviation practices for"Targeted Poverty Alleviation,"this report illustrates the experiences leamed by Cengong County administration from applying"E-information smart urban and rural construction"model.The contents of this report are divided into five chapters.Chapter one,by giving a basic description on the state of the county,featured industries and potential challenges for poverty reduction,introduces its socioeconomic progress of Cengong.Chapter two,on the other hand,analyzes poverty alleviation strategy employed by Cengong County through the investigations on background analysis,construction of objectives,working mechanism,and method by top design.The main theme of chapter three is to assess the measures implemented by Cengong County when applying the"E-information smart urban and rural construction"model for the execution of targeted poverty alleviation.Chapter four examines Cengong County's achievement for reducing the poverty from four aspects including"Smart Party Directing","Institution-locality Cooperative Working Mechanism""E-information Industries",and"Smart Measures".Chapter five offers a prospect that should inspire poverty reductions for African states.This is to say that the experience learned by Cengong County administration,together with the analysis on the development of electronic information industry,could inform African states to take necessary steps for poverty reduction.This report argues that intellectual education and aspiration building are the basis upon which"E-information smart urban and rural construction"model is constructed Such model is a three-part structure In this model structure,"Smart Party Directing"functions as the core while the"Institution-locality Cooperative Working Mechanism"serves as working mechanism.And the"E-information "model in six aspects is the"bridge"that gives new model for its final structure of"Smart Poverty Alleviation".The"E-information smart urban and rural construction"model will also socialize all resources concerning to comprehensively advance the smart urban and rural construction that represents the new attempt made by Cengong County administration for becoming moderately prosperous This report aims to campaign for China's glorious victory in the battle against poverty that is crucial for the comprehensive construction of moderately prosperous society.The experiences summarized in this report also have intemational significance that deprived regions like Africa can be inspired to some extent from learning the Chinese example of poverty reduction.


暫缺《中國脫貧攻堅調(diào)研報告:黔東南州岑鞏篇(Research Reports on the Elimination of Poverty in China—Cengong County, Guizhou Province)》作者簡介


Chapter 1
Changes of Economic and Social Development in Cengong County
1.1 An overview of Cengong County, Guizhou Province
1.2 Characteristic industries in Cengong County of Guizhou Province
1.3 The dilemma faced by Cengong County in poverty alleviation
Chapter 2
Strategic Planning for Smart Poverty Elimination
2.1 Analysis of strategies and backgrounds
2.2 Formulating strategic goals
2.3 Constructing working mechanism
2.4 Clarifying Implementation Path
2.5 Determining the implementation model
Chapter 3
Specific Measures for Smart Poverty Elimination
3.1 Sman Party Building to direct the public
3.2 Assistance and promotion based on institution-locality cooperation
3.3"E-information " poverty alleviation
3.4 Implementation of Smart Measures
Chapter 4
Poverty Elimination Achievements of"E-information Smart Urban and Rural construction" Model
4.1 Achievements of Smart Party Directing
4.2 Achievements of institution-locality cooperative working Mechanism
4.3 Achievements of"E-information "Industries
4.4 Achievements of smart methods
Chapter 5
Summary of the Experience of"E-information Smart Urban and Rural Construction" in Cengong County and Its Significance
5.1 Summary of the experience of smart model of poverty Elimination and Poverty Alleviation in Cengong County
5.2 Significance of smart povert.y alleviation in Cengong County for Africa


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