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中國脫貧攻堅調研報告:恩施州利川篇(Research Reports on the Elimination of Poverty in China—Lichuan County, Hubei Province)

中國脫貧攻堅調研報告:恩施州利川篇(Research Reports on the Elimination of Poverty in China—Lichuan County, Hubei Province)

定 價:¥88.00

作 者: An Chunying,Yang Zhenquan 編
出版社: 中國社會科學出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787520368605 出版時間: 2020-05-01 包裝: 平裝-膠訂
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 199 字數(shù):  


  Since the mid-1980s, Lichuan county has experienced four development stages, including "large-scale development-oriented poverty alleviation" "the Seven-Year Priority Poverty Alleviation Program""poverty alleviation development in the new era" and "targeted poverty alleviation", in order to explore the path of rapid economic and social development, and the improvement of people's well-being. Focusing on the "six precision" and "five batches" oriented approach in order to eliminate poverty, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Lichuan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have established systems and mechanisms for targeted poverty alleviation, issued a series of guidelines for targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty reduction. Comprehensive measures have been conducted with successful achievements, including improving infrastructure, developing special entity industries, strengthening the new economic growth point of home-stay tourism, exploring the e-commerce poverty alleviation model, tackling unemployment, using financial loans to improve financial stability, preventing poverty through education, improving medical services to protect health, combining ecological protection measures with poverty alleviation and development, relocating people in poverty to a good location to seek happiness, as well as providing basic social security for extremely poor people. From 2014 to 2019, a total of 219, 119 people in Lichuan county were no longer living in destitution, with all 141 previously poverty-stricken villages no longer being classified as poor.


  An Chunying,Senior Editor of the Institute of West-Asian and African Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and Secretary General of China Society for African Studies. Her major fields of study cover African economy, poverty reduction and sustainable development in Africa, and China-Africa relations. Major publications include the following: The Study on the Issues of Poverty and Anti-poverty in, Africa (monographs, 2010), Experience and Lessons for Africa from China's Success in Economic Development (paper, 2016), China-Africa Poverty Reduction Cooperation and Experience Sharing (Think Tank Reports, 2018).Yang Zhenquan,director of the Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Lichuan City, Enshi Prefecture, Hubei Province.


Chapter 1 Historical Changes of Economic and Social Development in Lichuan
1.1 Introduction of Lichuan
1.2 The Process of Poverty Alleviation Development in Lichuan
1.3 The Grim Situation of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Lichuan
Chapter 2 Mechanism and Policies of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Lichuan
2.1 Connotation and Practice of Targeted Poverty Alleviation
2.2 System and Mechanism for Poverty Alleviation
2.3 Main Poverty Alleviation Policies
Chapter 3 Main Measures of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Lichuan
3.1 Improvement of Infrastructure
3.2 Development of Characteristic Industries
3.3 Boost of New Economy of Homestay Tourism,
3.4 Exploration of E-commerce Poverty Alleviation Model
3.5 Promotion for the Employment of the Poor
3.6 Poverty Alleviation through Financial "Loans"
3.7 Solid Foundation for Poverty Alleviation Through Education
3.8 Improvement of Medical Services to Ensure People's Health
3.9 Integration of Ecological Protection, Poverty Alleviation and Development
3.10 Relocation for Poverty Alleviation and Well-being
3.11 Optimal Combination of Social Security and Poverty Alleviation Development
Chapter 4 Achievements of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Lichuan
Chapter 5 The Experience and Enlightenment of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Lichuan
Epilogue The Time Value and Worldwide Significance of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Lichuan


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