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定 價:¥18.00

作 者: 中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室 著
出版社: 外文出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787119130125 出版時間: 2022-03-01 包裝:
開本: 頁數(shù): 字數(shù):  


  "To explore the vast cosmos, develop the space industry and build China into a space power is our eternal dream," stated President Xi Jinping. The space industry is a critical element of the overall national strategy and China upholds the principle of exploration and utilization of outer space for peaceful purposes.Since 2016, Chinas space industry has made rapid and innovative progress, manifested by a steady improvement in space infrastructure, the completion and operation of the Bei Dou Navigation Satellite System, the completion of the high-resolution earth observation system, steady improvement of the service ability of satellite communications and broad-casting, the conclusion of the last step of the three-step lunar exploration program ("orbit, land, and return"), the first stages in building the space station, and a smooth interplanetary voyage and landing beyond the earth-moon system by Tianwen-l, followed by the exploration of Mars. These achievements have attracted worldwide attention.In the next five years, China will integrate space science, technology and applications while pursuing the new development philosophy, building a new development model and meeting the requirements for high-quality development. It will start a new journey towards a space power. The space industry will contribute more to Chinas growth as a whole, to global consensus and common effort with regard to outer space exploration and utilization, and to human progress.We are publishing this white paper to offer a brief introduction to Chinas major achievements in this field since 2016 and its main tasks in the next five years, in order to help the international community better understand Chinas space industry.




I. A New Journey Towards a Strong Space Presence
II. Development of Space Technology and Systems
III. Developing and Expanding Space Application Industry
IV. Research on Space Science
V. Modernizing Space Governance
VI. International Cooperation


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