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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書經(jīng)濟管理經(jīng)濟中國經(jīng)濟大國速度 百年京張(英)

大國速度 百年京張(英)

大國速度 百年京張(英)

定 價:¥130.00

作 者: 李蓉,齊中熙 著
出版社: 外文出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787119129211 出版時間: 2022-03-01 包裝:
開本: 頁數(shù): 字數(shù):  


  《大國速度 百年京張(英)》以圖文書的形式,全景式展示京張高鐵110年的發(fā)展飛躍,重點闡述中國智能高鐵的發(fā)展歷程,探究京張高鐵開啟世界智能高鐵之先河、代跑全球的硬核實力。該書會將智能高鐵的建設(shè)過程、智能裝備和智能車站的運營用作者日常報道中的攝影作品進行展示,所有場景皆有細節(jié)之美。《大國速度 百年京張(英)》作者將走進中國主要的高鐵建設(shè)企業(yè)、管理企業(yè)、制造企業(yè),向讀者展示智能高鐵長什么樣,是一本實用性并存的參考資料。


暫缺《大國速度 百年京張(英)》作者簡介


Chapter 1 Chinas First Railways
1.Controlled by foreigners, Chinas first railways experienced a difficult birth
2.Overcoming hardships, Zhan Tianyou became a key figure in Chinas railways
3.Steaming across the horizon, the first railway was built by China
4.History of the stations and buildings

Chapter 2 Beijing-Zhangjiakou CHSR
1.The story behind the centennial leap forward
2.Exclamations and amazement
3.From 35 to 350 kph
4.Smart Fuxing excels in "cool tech
5.The Olympic version of smart Fuxing
6.Visual cultural elements applied to high-speed rail aesthetics
7.12 deluxe stations under new-type infrastructure
8.The high-speed operation of the most powerful "brain"
9.High-quality and high-standard "backstage" management system
10.Ice and snow heat up economy and passion

Chapter 3 The Strength of Capital Construction
1.Leaving a striking footnote in the history of the Chinese nation-A dialogue with the management and construction team of Beijing-Zhangjiakou Intercity Railway Co mpany
2.Chinese build the best bridges in the world-A dialogue with the Fifth Section Project Department of China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group
3.Drilling a tunnel at the foot of Badaling Great Wall-A dialogue with the construction team of China Railway No.Five Engineering Bureau Group
4.Drawing a beautiful painting of Chinas high-speed rail by meticulous use of smart building-A dialogue with Mao Minghua, vice general manager of China Railway Electrification Engineering Group
5.Amazing design contributes to an immortal monument-A dialogue with the design team of China Railway Engineering Design and Consulting Group
6.Forging a centennial project and creating a Winter Olympic dream-A dialogue with the construction team of the Chongli Railway Third Section Project of China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group
7.Meeting again at the foot of Yanshan Mountain-A dialogue with the construction team of China Railway Sixth Group for the auxiliary projects of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games
8.How was the 6,000+ meter Tsinghuayuan Tunnel cut?-A dialogue with Gao Shijun, chief technician for the Tsinghuayuan Tunnel of China Railway 14th Bureau Group
9.3,000 elite troops winning the key battle-A dialogue with the Zhengpantai Tunnel construction team of China Railway Tunnel Stock


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