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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)出版圖書(shū)經(jīng)濟(jì)管理經(jīng)濟(jì)中國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)扶貧小額信貸:破解貧困人口貸款難題的中國(guó)實(shí)踐(英文版)



定 價(jià):¥138.00

作 者: 吳華 著
出版社: 當(dāng)代世界出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787509016053 出版時(shí)間: 2021-06-01 包裝: 平裝
開(kāi)本: 32開(kāi) 頁(yè)數(shù): 字?jǐn)?shù):  






Foreword /1

ChapterⅠ LoansforthePoor--AWorldwideProblem
Itisaworldwideproblemthatloansarehard-to-get, expensive and slow for poor population. Many countries have been trying to find the key to solve the problem. From the perspective of China's financial poverty alleviation practice, banks in the past more tended to design and provide financial products for non-poor groups, and there were few financial policies, products and services for poor rural households. The reason is that the poor rural households, financial institutions and government departments as the demand side, supply side and supervision service side respectively are facing various practical difficulties in docking the supply and thedemand.
Ⅰ.1FourLowsofPoorHouseholds /17
Ⅰ.2FourWorriesofFinancialInstitutions /22

Ⅰ.3FourDifficultiesofGovernment Departments /28

ChapterⅡ Innovation of Poverty AlleviationMicrocredit Products
In order to solve the problem of hard-to-get,expensive and slow loans for poor rural households, it is necessary for government departments to design scientific policies, make targeted preferential system arrangements, develop poverty alleviationmicrocreditproductswithlowthreshold,lowcostand goodservice,andencourageandguidefinancialinstitutionsto actively participate in poverty alleviation through policy measures,creatingavirtuouscircleforpoorruralhouseholdsto obtain the loans, make good use of the loans and repay the loans.
Ⅱ. 1PolicyDesign /35
Ⅱ.2Implementation /51
Ⅱ. 3PreliminaryAchievement /64

ChapterⅢ SolvetheProblemofObtainingtheLoans
To solve the problem of hard-to-get, expensive and slow loans for poor rural households, we should first solve the

problemofobtainingtheloansforpoorruralhouseholds.The StateCouncilLeadingGroupOfficeofPovertyAlleviationand Development and other departments, by adhering to the problemorientation,startedfromtheremovalofloanthreshold and loan restrictions, introduced innovative policies, scientifically designed products, and strived to solve the problemofloanaccessibilityforpoorruralhouseholds.Inthe process of promoting the implementation of policies, local governments innovate credit rating methods, scientifically determine the specific amount of loans for poor rural households, and build a three-tier county-township-village financial service system, so as to create conditions for poor ruralhouseholdstoobtainloansandfacilitatetheirusage.
Ⅲ. 1 Removing Threshold by Government Credit Enhancement / 73
Ⅲ. 2 Setting the LoanLimitby CreditRating /84
Ⅲ. 3 Improving Service by Departments Collaboration /96

ChapterⅣ Solve the Problem of Making Good Use
The fundamental purpose of innovation and development of poverty alleviation microcredit is to use credit funds effectively so astohelpthepoorruralhouseholdsincreasetheirincome

and get rid of poverty. After removing the threshold and restrictions of the loans for poor rural households and enabling them to obtain loans, only when we solve the problems of where to usehow to use and how to produce the profit, can we ensure that the limited credit funds are used in the production development where they need most, which helps them increase their income and get rid of poverty, so as to achieve the expected effect of the policy.
Ⅳ. 1 Defining the Purpose of theLoan /111
Ⅳ. 2 Standardizing the Usage of theLoan /118
Ⅳ. 3 Improving the Use Efficiency oftheLoan /128

ChapterⅤ SolvetheProblemofRepaying
The poverty alleviation microcredit is a bank loan, whose principal and interest should be repaid on time according to the loan contract, instead of the poverty alleviation fund which can be used free of charge. Only if the loan can be repaid, can the bank lend without worries, the people be at ease, and the government be relieved. Only in this way can the policy betruly stable and sustainable. In order to make the poor rural households able to repay the loan, we must make efforts in the dynamic monitoring of loans, prevention and early warning and classifiedhandling.

Ⅴ. 1 Based on Regulation andMonitoring /139
Ⅴ. 2 Sticking to PreventionFirst /153
Ⅴ. 3 ValuingClassifiedHandling /162

ChapterⅥ TypicalCases
After the introduction of the poverty alleviation microcredit policy, many typical examples have emerged. For example, at theprovinciallevel,AnhuiProvinceinnovatestheone-selfand three-cooperation approach. At the county level, Yanchi County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has taken a way of relying on financial innovation to promote industrial developmentandrelyingonindustrialdevelopmenttoboostthe poor rural households' income. At the village level, Baogou Village, Yunyang District, Shiyan City, Hubei Province has broken the ice of rural finance, innovated the new six views credit rating and granting method, and promoted the rapid development of poverty alleviationmicrocredit.
Ⅵ. 1 Poverty Alleviation Microcredit Case of Anhui Province / 169
Ⅵ. 2 Poverty Alleviation Microcredit Case of Yanchi County / 193

Ⅵ. 3 Poverty Alleviation Microcredit Case of Baogou Village /218

Chapter Ⅶ Innovation of Financial Poverty Alleviation System with ChineseCharacteristics
The function of financial policy instruments is a significant feature of the battle against poverty. Based on China' s reality conditions, poverty alleviation microcredit aims at the special group of poor rural households. Starting from the structural reform of the financial supply side, it not only strengthens the top-level design, but also encourages innovation at the grassroots level. It blazes a trail of financial poverty alleviation with Chinese characteristics, leaving a strong mark for the innovation of China' s financial poverty alleviation system, and its value and influence are everlasting.
Ⅶ. 1 Innovation of Financial Poverty Alleviation System /251
Ⅶ. 2 Innovation Highlighting Advantages of Chinese Characteristics /272
Ⅶ. 3 Consolidating and Deepening the Achievements ofInstitutionalInnovation /285

Appendix Operational Guidelines for Poverty Alleviation Microcredit /293

Postscript /307

Afterword /313


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