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定 價:¥28.00

作 者: 青閏,張慧婷
出版社: 東華大學(xué)出版社有限公司
叢編項: 英語幽默故事會
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787566914118 出版時間: 2018-06-01 包裝:
開本: 32 頁數(shù): 字?jǐn)?shù):  






Contents  目錄


It’s a Mirror  那是鏡子

The Perfectionist  完美主義者

The Temperature Is 63  體溫63度

Rest Your Eyes  歇歇眼

Every Honeymoon  每次蜜月都來

The Muddle-headed Husband  糊涂丈夫

I Happened to Be Inside  我碰巧也在里面

Anniversary-birthday Cards  生日周年紀(jì)念卡

Better Marry  最好結(jié)婚

Afraid You Were Bringing Her back  怕你送回來

Doesn’t the Baby Look Like Me?  孩子不像我?

My Wife Paints the Rooms  妻子油漆

Diet  節(jié)食

Living History  活歷史

Guess  猜猜看

Never Mentioned Your Name  從未提起過你的名字

Marry Penguin  和企鵝結(jié)婚

Married  結(jié)過婚的

Best Resort  撒手锏

Singer  歌手

My Love Will Go on  愛心依舊

I’m Not Inquisitive  不愛問到底

For a Husband  找的是丈夫

A Multimillionaire  千萬富翁

The Ideal Mate  理想伴侶

Who Is This Speaking?  你是誰?

Your Letter Came Too Late  你的信太晚了

You’ve Already Heard It  你已經(jīng)聽過

Spent Their Honeymoon There  在那里度過蜜月

In the Swimming Pool  在游泳池里

A Good Way  御妻良方

Being Practical  非常實用

Do You Want to Switch Seats?  你想換換位子?

My Mother’s Wedding  媽媽的婚禮

I’ll See to the Rest  剩下的我來做

Fell in Love Sitting down  坐著相愛

I’m Hooked on You  我被你勾住了

The Key to His Heart  心靈的鑰匙

Calling in a Low Voice  叫門不在言高

Happy Marriage  幸?;橐?/p>

The Stories Are Still in  故事還在

To Use Them Later  以后還要用

Give up Smoking  戒煙

The New Telephone Number  新電話號碼

God Will Provide  上帝會提供

Chandelier  枝形吊燈

I’m George  我是喬治

The Recipe of Love  愛情處方

Love Weed  愛情草

Tonight at Eight-Fifteen  今晚8點15分

A Wicked Boy  小壞蛋

Witches’ Loaves  女巫的面包

By Courier  愛情信使

Appointment with Love  玫瑰之約


Flying Too Low  飛得太低

Puzzle  難題

Blended Coffee  調(diào)合咖啡

Landing  降落

A Branch  分店

An Optimist  樂天派

It’s for You  給你端的

Understanding the Meaning  心領(lǐng)神會

Can You Handle It?  你能處理好嗎?

The Baldest Man  最禿的人

Just a Yes Or No  只說行不行

Sleeping through Summer  睡過了夏天

What Do You Call Your Other Arm?  另一只手臂叫什么?

Which End of the Fork  叉子哪一頭

Rental Agreements  租車協(xié)議

Interview God  采訪上帝

The Larger Scheme  長遠計劃

Pop Home for My Pyjamas  回家拿睡衣

Bigamy  重婚

Only Men’s Clothes  只有男裝

A Philosophic Treatise  哲學(xué)論文

Ten Commandments  十誡

Still in the Same Cemetery  還住在原來那個墓地嗎?

A False Problem  答非所問

A Collar-button  一枚領(lǐng)扣

20 Years Late  遲到20年

Economists  經(jīng)濟學(xué)家

Drunkard  醉鬼

A Silly Father  傻爸爸

Grass Doesn’t Grow  不長草

How Do You Breathe?  我怎么呼吸?

An Extra $5 for Shower  加收淋浴費

That’s Why You’re Sacked  被炒的原因

An Important Job  重要工作

Buried in One Grave  合葬

You’ve Changed Your Name  你連名字也變了

The Oil Sheik  石油大亨

Complaining about the Temperature  抱怨溫度

Sun Plan  太陽計劃

A Vacation Cruise  假日巡航游

I’ll Go There Myself  我自己過去

The Mistaken Father  糊涂父親

In Common  共同點

The Juice in the Downpour  天降果汁

Farsighted Opinion  遠見卓識

Fast-food Charge  快餐費

The Tray Walker  輪椅托盤

Because It Doesn’t Leak  因為不漏

Bull Wrestler  斗牛士

Ambiance  氣氛這道菜

A Dry Cleaner’s  干洗店

He’ll Miss His Funeral  他會錯過自己的葬禮

I Can’t Light Chocolate  巧克力點不著

Who Left? 誰離開了?

Who’d Need Pants?  誰還需要褲子?

The New Part  新區(qū)

Only Sixteen Chapters  只有16章

Date of Divorce  離婚日期

A Difference  不同凡響

Changing Shifts  我們在換崗

That Makes Me My Own Grandfather  我成了自己的祖父

The Lucky Bonus  幸運獎

The Birthday Present  生日禮物

Never Get Excited  從不激動

More Light  光線充足

Penitence  懺悔

The Legs Will Fall off  桌腿會掉下來

It’s No Use  熱水沒用

I Want to Get out  我是要出去

Drink for My Friend  替朋友喝

Psychology  心理學(xué)

Test at Pearly Gates  上帝考試

Buy Me out  出錢買我

Farther Away from the Paint Bucket  離桶越來越遠

Long Life  長生不老

When the Computer Is down  當(dāng)電腦失靈的時候

Collect Call from Las Vegas  來自賭城的電話

A Pound of Butter  一磅黃油

The Key  鑰匙

The Glove  手套

The Conjurer’s Revenge  魔術(shù)師的報復(fù)

Good Secretary  頂尖秘書

My Financial Career  我的金融生涯


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