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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術工業(yè)技術建筑科學市政工程Annual Report on Energy-saving and New Energy Ve

Annual Report on Energy-saving and New Energy Ve

Annual Report on Energy-saving and New Energy Ve

定 價:¥88.00

作 者: China Automotive Technology & Research Center
出版社: 人民郵電出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787115448682 出版時間: 2017-03-01 包裝:
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 236 字數(shù):  






Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Energy Situation and Vehicle Fuel Consumption\t8
1.1 Global Energy Supply and Demand\t8
1.2 China's energy supply and demand\t9
1.3 2015 vehicle fuel consumption measurement\t12
1.3.1 Annual mileage\t12
1.3.2 Average fuel consumption by vehicle type\t14
Chapter 2 Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicle Policy Interpretation\t17
2.1 Whole industry policy support\t17
2.1.1 Development plan\t17
2.1.2 R&D support\t18
2.1.3 Production specification\t19
2.1.4 Sales guidance\t21
2.1.5 Using convenience\t25
2.2 Direction of policy development\t26
2.2.1 Government-led market transition\t26
2.2.2 Shift focus from quantity to quality\t26
2.2.3 Subsidy policy gives priority to competitive products\t26
2.2.4 Vehicle security becomes the focus of attention\t27
2.2.5 Battery recycling system needs urgent improvement\t27
Chapter 3 Market Characteristics of Energy Saving and New Energy Passenger Cars\t28
3.1 Market Breakdown of Passenger Car Fleet Analysis\t28
3.1.1 Scale of Conventional Energy Vehicles\t28
3.1.2 NEV Scale\t32
3.2 Market Characteristics of Conventional Passenger Cars\t35
3.2.1 Average Wheelbase Changes\t35
3.2.2 Average Curb Weight Changes\t36
3.2.3 Average displacement changes\t37
3.2.5 Average torque changes\t41
3.2.6 Power/curb-weight changes\t42
3.2.7 Power/displacement changes\t44
3.3 New energy passenger cars’ market characteristics\t46
3.3.1 New energy passenger car’s technology development route\t46
3.3.2 New energy passenger car enterprises’ distribution pattern\t48
3.3.3 New energy passenger cars’ BEV electric range distribution\t50
3.3.4 New energy passenger car using field distribution\t51
3.3.5 New energy passenger cars’ regional promotion distribution\t53
Chapter 4 Passenger Car Fuel Consumption\t55
4.1 Changes in fleet-wide average fuel consumption\t55
4.1.1 Changes in fleet-wide average fuel consumption\t55
4.1.2 Changes in domestic and imported passenger cars’ average fuel consumption\t56
4.1.3 Changes in average fuel consumption of local and joint venture brands\t57
4.2 Enterprises’ average fuel consumption compliance performance\t58
4.2.1Enerprises’ overall compliance performance\t58
4.2.2 Compliance status quo of top ten manufacturers\t59
4.2.3 Top ten compliant enterprises\t63
4.3 NEV’s impact on average fuel consumption\t66
4.3.1 Impact of NEV on fleet-wide average fuel consumption\t66
4.3.2 NEV investment and CAFC compliance path selection\t67
Chapter 5 Development of Energy-saving Vehicles and New Energy Commercial Vehicles\t73
5.1 Fuel consumption of commercial vehicles\t73
5.1.1 Fuel consumption of light-duty commercial vehicles\t74
5.1.2 Fuel consumption of heavy-duty commercial vehicles\t81
5.2 Development of new energy commercial vehicles\t91
5.2.1 Overall market\t91
5.2.2 Development of new energy commercial vehicles by technical route\t93
5.2.3 Business status quo of new energy commercial vehicle companies\t93
5.2.4 Regional distribution of new energy commercial vehicle promotion\t98
Chapter 6 the Development of Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicles Technology\t100
6.1 The Application of Main Energy-Saving Technologies\t100
6.1.1 Turbocharging technology\t100
6.1.2 GDI technology\t103
6.1.3 Idling stop-starttechnology\t105
6.1.4 Advanced transmission technology\t106
6.2 Development trend of NEV key parts\t110
6.2.1 Power battery\t110
6.2.2 Driving motor and motor controller\t115
6.2.3 Charging infrastructure\t117
6.3 Analysis oftypical companies’ technological path on energy saving and new energy vehicles\t120
6.3.1 Volvo (Shanghai) Automobile Sales Co., LTD\t120
6.3.2 GAC Motor\t121
6.3.3 GAC Toyota\t122
6.3.4 Brilliance BMW\t124
6.3.5 BYD Co., LTD and BYD Auto Industrial Co., LTD\t126
6.3.6 Zhejiang Geely Automobile Co., LTD\t127
6.3.7 BAIC BJEV Co., LTD\t129
6.3.8 Tesla Motors\t130
6.4 Fleet-wide Popular Technologies in 2015\t132
6.4.1 Miller Cycle Engine\t132
6.4.2 Dual Clutch Transmission\t141
6.4.3 Mixed injection technology\t153
Chapter 7 Energy Saving Competitiveness Analysis\t162
7.1 Energy saving competitiveness evaluation method\t162
7.1.1 Evaluation system’s data index selection standard\t162
7.1.2 Evaluation system construction method and process\t163
7.1.3 Meaning of evaluation factors\t165
7.2 Evaluation results summary\t166
7.2.1 Sedan’s factor score ranking\t167
7.2.2 SUV factor score ranking\t169
7.2.3 MPV factor score ranking\t173
Chapter 8 Future Prospects\t177
8.1 Significance of energy saving and new energy vehicle development\t177
8.2 Development goals and status quo of energy saving and new energy vehicles\t177
8.3 Existing problems in the development of energy saving and new energy vehicles\t178
8.4 Development prospects of energy saving and new energy vehicles\t179
Annex 1 Development Trend of Annual Fuel Economy and Powertrain of US Car Models from 1975 to 2015\t180
Annex 2 2014 CO2 emissions of EU passenger car OEMs\t193
Annex 3 Development Trend of EU Energy-saving Passenger Vehicles\t201
Annex 4 EU Tax-based Stimulating Policies of on EVs\t206


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