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Proceedings of The First International Conference on Sulphoaluminate Cement:Materials and Engineering Technology

Proceedings of The First International Conference on Sulphoaluminate Cement:Materials and Engineering Technology

定 價(jià):¥120.00

作 者: Xu Yongmo,Hu Shuguang,Shui Zhonghe 著
出版社: 武漢理工大學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787562942276 出版時(shí)間: 2013-11-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 523 字?jǐn)?shù):  


硫鋁酸鹽水泥問世于上世紀(jì)70年代,具有煅燒溫度低、強(qiáng)度發(fā)展快、強(qiáng)度高、堿性低、耐海水和鹽堿腐蝕等特殊優(yōu)異性能,在結(jié)構(gòu)混凝土、特種工程材料以及水泥制品等多領(lǐng)域廣泛應(yīng)用。經(jīng)過科技工作者多年創(chuàng)新和攻關(guān),硫鋁酸鹽水泥已在中國實(shí)現(xiàn)了大規(guī)模工業(yè)化生產(chǎn),年產(chǎn)量超過200萬噸,并向20多個(gè)國家出口。目前,水泥產(chǎn)業(yè)節(jié)能低碳發(fā)展已形成全球共識(shí),水泥混凝土材料高性能化已成為主要的發(fā)展方向。全世界的科技工作者對(duì)硫鋁酸鹽水泥的研究和應(yīng)用顯示出強(qiáng)烈興趣,研究工作不斷深入,硫鋁酸鹽水泥的應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域也持續(xù)擴(kuò)展。中國混凝土與水泥制品協(xié)會(huì)與武漢理工大學(xué)聯(lián)合主辦的首屆“國際硫鋁酸鹽水泥材料與工程技術(shù)”大會(huì)于2013年10月23日至24日在武漢召開?!禤roceedings of The First International Conference on Sulphoaluminate Cement:Materials and Engineering Technology》由XuYongmo、HuShuguang、ShuiZhonghe編著,即是在會(huì)議來稿中精選出論文40余篇,結(jié)集出版,以饗國內(nèi)和國外從事水泥、混凝土科學(xué)與技術(shù)研究的讀者。


暫缺《Proceedings of The First International Conference on Sulphoaluminate Cement:Materials and Engineering Technology》作者簡介


Durability of Calcium Sulphoaluminate (CSA)
Cement-Based Materials from Municipal Solid
Waste Incineration (MSWI) Fly Ash
Xiaolu Guo, Huisheng Shi, Wenpei Hu, Kai Wu
Formation of ettringite in two varieties of
ternary systems
Ling/in Xu, Peiming Wang, Guofang Zhang
Dimensional stability of calcium
aluminate and sulfoaluminate systems
Bizzozero Julien, Gosse/in Christophe, Scrivener Karen
Hydration and Microstructure Development
of OPC Blended with Calcium Aluminate
and Sulfoaluminate Cements
Bizzozero Julien, Scrivener Karen
Microstructural Features and Technical Properties
of Calcium Sulfoaluminate-Based Cements
Antonio Telesca , Milena Marreccoli , Michele Tomasulo ,
G/an Lorenzo Valenti , Stefano Allevi , Maurizio March/
Calcium sulfoaluminate cement
from chemical gypsum
Antonio Telesca , Daniela Calabrese, Milena Marroccoli,
Mafia Lucia Pace, G/an Lorenzo Valenti
Behaviour of calcium sulfoaluminate cement
in the presence of heavy metals
Huisheng Shi, Kai Wu, Xiaolu Guo
The effect of different types of Sulphate and Limestone
on shrinkage setting time and strength development of
Calcium Sulpho Aluminate based Cement Mortars
Van Nes Blessing , Ludo
Hydration Study of Calcium Sulfoaluminate-Based
Formulations by Quantitative in-situ X-ray Diffraction
March/M., Scott/F., A/levi S.
Study on the sulphoaluminate cement-asphalt
composite mortar for high-speed railway repair
Yunpeng L/u, Muyu L/u, Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu
Observations Depicting Autogenous Healing
and Destructive Cracking in Polymer Modified
Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement Systems
Joshua V Brien
Observations on Tensile Strength of CSA Cement
Mortars Cured at Constant Low Humidity
Joshua V Brien, Kevin R Henke, Kamyar C Mahboub
Evolution of Fe2O3 distribution in
calcium sulfoaluminate-ferrite equilibrium in the
CaO-Al2 O3-Fe= O3-SO3 system
Composition and thermodynamic modeling of calcium
sulfoaluminate cement and ordinary Portland cement blends
Trauchessec Romain , Winnefeld Frank, Mechling Jean-Michel,
Lecomte Andre, Roux Andre, Le Rolland Bruno
Thermodynamic modeling of hydration of calcium
sulfoaluminate cements blended with mineral additions
Winnefeld Frank, Lothenbach Barbara
Influence of limestone on the hydration
of calcium suifoaluminate cements
Martin. Lukas H.J., Winnefeld. Frank, Moiler. Christian J.,
Lothenbach. Barbara
Investigation on the properties of supersulphated
phosphogysum-slag cement (SSC) concrete
Sha Ding, Zhonghe Shui, Wei Chen, Jianxin Lu, Sufang Tian
Assessing Adhesion Performance of Polymer
Modified CSA Cement Mortar
Joshua V Brien , Kamyar C Mahboub
Effect of Superplasticizers on the Early
Age Hydration of Sulfoaluminate Cement
Wei Chen, Mo Yang
Influence of citric acid on the hydration
kinetics of calcium sulfoaluminate cement
Winnefeld Frank, Klemm Stefanie
Preparation and properties of barium-containing
artificial aggregates radiation shielding concrete
Qingjun Ding , Xiulin Huang , Peng Bo , Yang Kun
Mix design and performances of sulphoaluminate
cement-based EPS lightweight insulation material
Xiaonan Dong , Shoude Wang Chenchen Gong, Lingchao Lu
H22O2 foaming mechanism of foam sulphoaluminate concrete
Tingsong Yang, Lingchao Lu, Shoude Wang, Chen chen Gong
The application of semi-flexible pavement with
Sulphoaluminate cement-based grouting material
Chong Huang, QingJun Ding, JinXiang Hong, ZhiFei Liu
Influence of sodium borate on the early age
hydration of calcium sulfoaluminate cement
Champenois Jean - Baptiste, Cau Dit Coumes Celine ,
Le Bescop Patrick, Damidot Denis
Synthesis and characterization of Sulfoaluminate-
(Belite) cements from industrial residues
Pollmann, H,, Stober, S., Schmidt, R,
Study on hydration mechanism of sulphate
aluminium cement
Zhen He, Huamei Yang Meiyan Liu
Research in the effectiveness of silicone
emulsion surface treatment materials
in the durability of concrete
Jiesheng Liu, Shaopeng Wu, Jiajing Muzi, Chuancheng Zhang
Investigation on Carbonation of Sulphoaluminate
Cement with Layered Double Hydroxides
Haining Geng, Ping Duan, Wei Chen, Zhonghe Shui
Influence of fly ash on the rehydration
of different dehydrated cementitious materials
Jianxin Lu, Zhonghe Shui, Sufang Tian, Sha Ding, Xiao Zeng
Study of Low Temperature
Sulphoaluminate Cement Slurry
Fangzhu Xi, Yudan Xiong, Wenli Tan, Yonghui Gao
Zero Emission of Sulfur Dioxide and Low Emission of
Nitrogen Oxides in Flue Gas of Kiln Tail in Producing
Sulphoaluminate Cement by Precalcining Kiln System
Jiangjing Diao, Changfa Liu, Qiuying Zhang, Yebing Suo
Thermal decomposition of phosphogypsum during
production of calcium sulphoaluminate cement
Yan Shen, Jueshi Qian, Junqing Chai, Yunyan Fan
Calcination of CSA-CA-Type Clinker
With Preheating Kiln
Hongao Wang, Cunhuai Zhang, Weipeng Tang
Zhengzhou Dengfeng Smelting Materials Co,, Ltd
Study on Preparation of Steel Tube-Confined
Concrete (STCC)with High Early-Strength and Micro
Expansion by Using Sulphoaluminate Cement
Shuguang Hu, Yanzhou Peng, Qingjun Ding
Application of Grate Cooler on the Manufacture of
Sulphoaluminate Cement Clinker
Haiwen Sun, Aiguo Li, Jianguo L/u, Guidong Liu, Guangxiao Chui
Study on the Properties of Super High
Early Strength Quick-setting Sulphoaluminate Cement
Yunan Jiang, Qiuying Zhang, Yi Yang, Guangda Li
Research on the Foaming Techniques of
Sulphoaluminate Cement
Yi Yang, Jiangjing Diao, Zhimou Long, Fang Huang
Improving the Grinding System of Sulphoaluminate
Cement Manufacture
Ha/wen Shun, Jianguo Liu, Jinying Zhang
Research and Application of
Wear Resistant Materials on the Special
Cement Manufacture
Ha/wen Shun, Jianguo L/u, Guidong L/u, Aiguo Li
Effects of Accelerator and Retarder on the
Properties of Hardened Sulphoaluminate Cement
Ha/wen Sun, Qingdi Kong, Jianguo L/u, Jun Hu
Research on the Corrosion Resistance of
Sulphoaluminate Cement
Yi Yang, Jiangjing Diao, Fang Huang, Zimou Long
Improving the Emission of Sulphoaluminate
Cement Manufacture
Haiwen Sun, Jianguo L/u, Guidong L/u, Jinli Xun, Jinying Zhang
Study on the Materials Collapse on the
Sulphoaluminate Cement Manufacture
I-taiwen Sun, Guidong Liu, Jianguo Liu, Jinying Zhang
Effects of Manufacture Conditions on the Properties
of Self-Stressing Sulphoaluminate Cement
Mingshan Zhou, Lingyun Li


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