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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科歷史風俗習慣全球化與文化移植:中美廣告對比研究視角下的中國文化變遷



定 價:¥35.00

作 者: 曾立人 著
出版社: 浙江大學(xué)出版社
標 簽: 中國傳統(tǒng)文化

ISBN: 9787308099509 出版時間: 2012-05-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 190 字數(shù):  




  曾立人,博士,浙江師范大學(xué)校聘教授、浙江師范大學(xué)外國語學(xué)院碩士生導(dǎo)師、計算機輔助翻譯研究所所長。1996年獲得美國University of Guam英語作為外語教學(xué)碩士學(xué)位,2000年獲得美國OhioState University跨文化和視覺傳播學(xué)博士學(xué)位。曾任美國Pacific Daily News日報社英文編輯、加拿大MountRoyal University傳播系副教授、中國美術(shù)學(xué)院傳媒動畫學(xué)院圖像研究中心主任、美國探索頻道旗下How Stuff Works International公司北京分公司制作總監(jiān)、美國著名翻譯公司Lionbridge北京分部語言質(zhì)檢經(jīng)理等職。主要研究方向為計算機輔助翻譯、本地化和翻譯校企合作。


1 Introduction 1.1 Goals of the Book 1.2 Theoretical Reaso for Country and Time Period Selection 1.2.1 Pragmatic and Peonal Reaso 1.2.2 Selection of Time Period 1.3 Problem Statement2 Literature Review 2.1 Theories of Globalization 2.1.1 The Modernization Pepective 2.1-2 The Dependency Pepective 2.1.3 The World-system Pepective 2.1.4 Globalization 2.1.5 Cultural Dependency and Cultural-media Imperialism 2.2 Theories of Intercultural Communication 2.2.1 Culture Defined 2.2.2 Hofstede's Four Dimeio 2.2.3 Time Perception 2.2.4 Hall's Context Framework 2.2.5 Yum's In- and Out-Group Differentiation 2.2.6 Bertein's \Elaborated\ and \Restricted\ Codes 2.3 Culture and Advertising 2.3.1 The Critics of Advertising 2.3.2 The Advocates of Advertising 2.3.3 An Interactive Model of Advertising, Society and Culture 2.4 Methods for Analyzing Advertisements 2.4.1 Content Analysis as a Research Method 2.4.2 Semiotics as a Research Method 2.4.3 The Semiotic System of Advertisements 2.4.4 Dyer's Three-level Advertisement Analysis Framework 2.4.5 Leiss et al.'s Basic Advertising Format Framework 2.4.6 Interactive Meaning Framework3 Hypotheses and Significance of the Study 3.1 Format Analysis Hypotheses 3.2 Socio-cultural and Ideological Analysis Hypotheses 3.2.1 Cultural Appeals 3.2.2 Ideological Analysis 3.3 Hypothesis on the Impact of Globalization 3.4 Methodological Contribution 3.5 Contributio to Theory-building in Different Areas4 Research Methodology 4.1 General Design 4.2 Magazine Selection 4.3 Sampling Scheme 4.4 Data Collection 4.5 Measurement Itrument and Coding Procedures 4.6 Reliability Tests5 Results 5.1 Format Analysis 5.1.1 Number of Ads in Each Magazine Issue 5.1.2 Layout Size of Each Ad 5.1.3 Pictorial/Text Ad Ratio 5.1.4 Basic Advertising Format 5.2 Cultural Appeals 5.3 Ideological Analysis 5.3.1 Depiction of Women 5.3.2 Minority Depiction 5.3.3 Contact 5.3.4 Social Distance 5.3.5 Attitude 5.3.6 Modality6 Conclusio and Discussio 6.1 Format Analysis and Implicatio 6.2 Cultural Analysis Results and Implicatio 6.3 Ideological Analysis Results and Implicatio 6.3.1 Depiction of Women 6.3.2 Depiction of Minorities and Westerne 6.4 Implicatio on Trafer of Media Professionalism andGlobalization 6.5 Limitatio of the Study and Suggestio for Future Research 6.6 Communication, Culture and Society: A New Model 6.6.1 Two Basic Modes of Intercultural Communication 6.6.2 A Bimodal Model of Intercultural CommunicationAppendix A: Magazine Titles and Frequencies Nominated byIntervieweesAppendix B: Matrix of Nominated Magazines and CategoriesAppendix C: List of Magazines Sampled:Appendix D: Advertisement Survey Statistics Recording SheetAppendix E: Shooting ItructioAppendix F: Photographing Record SheetAppendix G: Coding BookAppendix H: Examples of Chinese Ads in Each CategoryReferences


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