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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術(shù)自然科學化學膠體、液滴和細胞(全英文)



定 價:¥35.00

作 者: 成正東,何立群 編著
出版社: 中國科學技術(shù)大學出版社
叢編項: 當代科學技術(shù)基礎(chǔ)理論與前沿問題研究叢書·中國科學技術(shù)大學校友文庫
標 簽: 物理化學

ISBN: 9787312022340 出版時間: 2009-06-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 119 字數(shù):  






Preface to the USTC Alumnis Series
Chapter 1 What Are Colloids?
1.1 Colloids and the atoms: counting the atoms
1.2 Micro-rheology Probe the material properties at microscopic level
1.3 Laser tweezers——Apply external force to nanoparticles
1.4 Colloids
1.4.1 Miniature of the physical world and tangible .models of the atomic world
1.4 2 lnteligent" colloids
Chapter 2 Colloids and Phase Transitions
2.1 The hard sphere model
2.1.1 The van der Waals picture of fluids
2.1.2 Close packing of spheres as the principle of crystal structure
2.1 3 Hard sphere model for disorder-order transition
2.2 Model colloidal hard sphere systems
2 2.1 Minimizing van der Waals interaction by refractive index matching
2 2.2 Stabilization
2.2.3 Model Colloidal Hard Spheres
2.3 Properties of hard sphere dispersions
2.3.1 Phase behavior
2.3.2 Equation of state continuing Perrins measurement at higher concentrations)
2.3.3 Rheology of the fluid and metastable fluid states
2.3.4 Crystal structures
2.3.5 Crystallization kinetics
2.4 Colloids in space
2.4.1 Surprising observations
2.4.2 Crystallization kinetics
2.5 Confocal Imaging: Catch the critical nucleus
2.6 How well do we understand nucleation?
2.7 Applications of colloidal crystals
2.8 Single crystal growth in a temperature gradient
Chapter 3 Microfluidics
3.1 Make emulsions drop by drop
3.2 Emulsion crystallization to measure the nucleation rate of colloidal crystallization
3.3 Living cell encapsulation
3.3.1 Colloidosomes
3.3.2 Layer by layer coating
3.3.3 Agarose droplets generation
3.3.4 Yeast cell encapsulation
3 3.5 Tailor the transport property of the microencapsules by LbL coating
3.3.6 Enhancement of the mechanical stability of the microencapsules by hand-particle coating (Colloidosomes)
3.4 Cell manipulation by microfluidics
Chapter 4 Biocoiloids
4.1 Biocolloids
4.2 The cell volume change before freezing
4.2.1 The equilibrium volume ofacell
4.2.2 The non-equilibrium volume of a cell
4.3 The change of cell volume during cooling/freezing
4.3 1 Rapid cooling
4.3.2 Slow cooling
4.3.3 Optimal cooling
4.3 4 Modeling the volumetric response of a cell to freezing
4.4 Other mechanisms of cryoinjury
4.4.1 Cryoinjury during the Storage Period
4.4.2 Cell injuries in the warming process
4.4.3 "Cold Stock" Injury
4.5 Banking cells at their dried state
4.5.1 Brief History of Freeze Drying
4.5.2 Freeze-Drying Process and Its Control
4.5.3 Some cells having been dried


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