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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科歷史風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣中國少數(shù)民族婚俗(英文版)



定 價:¥68.00

作 者: 賈仲益
出版社: 五洲傳播出版社
叢編項: 中國民族多元文化叢書
標(biāo) 簽: 其他讀物

ISBN: 9787508510033 出版時間: 1899-12-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 136 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  For any social or ethnic group,rites and marriage customs are invariably all essential expression of their unique character.This book will introduce you the colorful marriage customs prevalent among China's ethnic minority groups. The abundance and diversity of these customs,which vary from region to region and from people to people,is quite amazing.The book seeks to introduce some of the typical marriage customs of ethnic minorities as well as some that still prevail in the vast rural and pastoral areas.




Chapter Ⅰ The Customs of Social Intercourses Before Marriage
Ⅰ.Coming of Age
Ⅱ.SocialIntercourse Before Marriage
Ⅲ.Making Promises of Love
Chapter Ⅱ Intermarriage and the Customs of Choosing A Mate
Ⅰ.Intermarriage within the Same Ethnic Group
Ⅱ.Intergroup Marriage
Chapter Ⅲ The Making of Betrothal
Ⅰ.Formal Wedding
Ⅱ.Elopement,Marriage by Kidnapping,and Escape from Marriage
Ⅲ.Marriage Arrangements during Pregnancy,Marriage by Purchase,Walking Marriage and others
Chapter Ⅳ Wedding Customs
Ⅰ.Wedding Celebrated With Song and Dance
Ⅱ.Weeping Before Marriage
Ⅲ.Ceremonies Which Don't Involve Worshiping Heaven and Delayed Consummation
Ⅳ.Solemn Wedding Ceremony
Ⅴ.Walking Marriage Trip
Ⅵ.Blessing Ceremonies
Ⅶ.Creating Difficulties for Pleasure
Ⅷ.Repeated Weddings
Chapter Ⅴ Maritalai Maintenance Customs
Ⅰ.Residing Styles After Marriage
Ⅱ.Cultural Mechanism of Keeping Out the“Third Party”
Chapter Ⅵ Divorce
Ⅰ.Understanding of Divorce in Different Cultures and Societies
Ⅱ.Divorce Material Compensation and Child Custody Issues
Ⅲ.Means of Divorce
Chapter Ⅶ Living in Widowhood and Remarrying
Ⅰ.Living in Widowhood
Ⅱ.Limited Remarriage


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